Sunday, November 29, 2009

Venice of the East: SUZHOU

Since the deadline for the Gift Skateboards video is coming up soon, we took a trip to Suzhou for the weekend to get some stuff done. Suzhou used to be a river/canal city, and you could get around by getting water taxis, people just paddling canoes around town. The city's huge now, but still slightly more traditional than Shanghai and Shenzhen are. The skatespots in Suzhou are too many, mostly never been skated before.

Shanghai railway station, packeddddd.

Guess where we ate.

The whole underside of the bridge is a huge long television that plays shit you see in the IMAX theaters.

weeee, lights


This shopping center area contains more skatespots than Delaware has to offer in its whole state.

so purrrty

Jay Meador and his kickflizzer


This club was pretty happenin. Except drinks were super expensive, so we got drunk outside before staying here till 4am. What's up with the chandeliers?

Suzhou cuisine


renaissance man

shoulder cam steeze

power stall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooord son looks tight.