Thursday, January 15, 2009

Smelly Puxi

So I've been trying to build a website to post scrap footage and decided upon (Some background info: Shanghai is split into 2 main areas, Pudong and Puxi. Pudong is the new commercial area while Puxi is the older area. They two areas are split by the Huangpu River. For more info, look it up on Wikipedia.) Anyway, Puxi is like Philadelphia and Pudong is like uh... D.C. I guess. Anyway, if you havn't figured it out yet, the pun is intended.

BUT MUTHERFUCKING CHINA has some firewall blocking not only porn but now my new website: is also inaccessible here, unless you go directly to Anyway, here's a vidclip I had made for it but now I can't use it until I figure out a way to redirect For those of you in the USA, none of this will matter to you and you probably won't even understand anything in the vidclip either, haha.


Anonymous said...

you should say Pudong is like Philly and Puxi is like wilmington. thats more like it... but puxi does smell bad, i pushed around those shanty towns. if you havent i recommend you do the same.

Anonymous said... isn't working at all at the moment...

tommy said...

Thanks, should be fixed now.

Puxi is filled with dogshit and spit all over the sidewalks....

... so yes, kind of like Wilmington which is filled with bums with dogshit on them on the sidewalks.