Sunday, January 18, 2009

Singing behind James Earl Jones

You ever watch DreamGirls and that part in the beginning where Jamie Foxx is telling the girls, "I'll give you each $30 to sing behind James Earl Jones tonight" and you're thinking... $30 bucks... fuck that, but back in the day it was probably a shitload of money.

Well that's what I was thinking while watching that movie right now and I'm sitting here working at this cafe as a server in Shanghai, working for 12RMB/hour, from 11am-7pm..... which equals out to $14.54 US Dollars for 8 hours of work. Talk about slave labor.

But that $14.54 US is going to feed me for the next 3 days. Holla for rice and noodles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kinda unrelated, but have you checked statcounter? i think carmine googled his own name.